It is important to take a reading from your electricity and gas meter to ensure that you don’t pay too much. Without an actual read your supplier will calculate an estimate of how much energy you are using and base your bill on this.
How to Read an Electricity Meter
Single Rate Meter – Write down the five numbers shown from left
to right, ignoring the last number or numbers which may be in red.

Dual Rate Meter – Write down the six numbers shown left to right, ignoring the last number or numbers which may be shown in red for both rows. Your meter may have two rows of numbers. The top row (marked either ‘LOW’ or ‘NIGHT’) shows units of off-peak electricity, the bottom row (marked either ‘NORMAL’ or ‘DAY’) shows units of peak electricity you have used.

Dial Meter – This is a bit more tricky, if you look at the numbers you’ll notice that each dial turns in the opposite direction from the one before it. Read the first five dials from left to right, ignoring the last dial.

If the pointer falls between two numbers, always read the lower number – in Fig A you would write down the number 4.
If the pointer is directly over a number always record it – in Fig B you would write down the number 5.
If the pointer on a dial falls between 9 and 0, reduce the reading already taken for the dial on the left by one – for example, if your original recorded 5, reduce this to 4.
The reading for the dial above is 45928.
How to Read a Gas Meter
Metric Gas Meter – Read the five numbers shown from left to right, ignore the number or numbers after the decimal point which might be red.

Imperial Gas Meter – Write down the four numbers from left to right, ignoring the number(s) that are shown in red.

Dial Gas Meter – Each dial turns in the opposite direction to the one before it, so check which way each turns.
Read the four dials from left to right along the bottom row only – ignore any others.

Write down the number closest to each pointer. If the pointer is between two numbers, give the lower number. If the pointer is between 9 and 0, write down 9.
The reading for the dial above is 3 4 5 6.
Now I’ve Taken a Reading What Do I Do
If you are an Indigo Swan client, email us your read and we will submit it for you. If not, you should provide your supplier with the reading, this may involve working your way through an automated service. Remember to take a note of the meter serial number as this should tally up with the number that appears in your bill. Remember, for all meters note the date & actual meter reading.
Could It Be Cheaper?
When negotiating a contract it is important you check that you agree with the estimated annual consumption given. You can change the estimated annual consumption to your actual use if you have proof that your consumption is different, this can have a significant effect on the unit rate offered, resulting in cheaper bills.
This can be especially helpful for bigger users where a take or pay clause may be in place.
If this all sounds great, but a lot of hassle let us do it for you, so please get in touch. Peck Here.
We hope this helps,