Our Bill Checking service is an efficient way to find out if your supplier owes you money. 1 in 10 utility invoices contain errors so it’s important to know you are being billed correctly.
Outsourcing your Bill Checking will significantly help to reduce administration costs, whilst also providing confidence that invoices are accurate, and costs are being managed efficiently and effectively.
When your bill arrives, we will cross reference it with all your contracted information. If any anomalies are identified, we will deal with these immediately for you and keep you posted until they are resolved.
We use a simple traffic light system to categorise any anomalies so that when you receive an update from us you can understand quickly what to do. The traffic light system is a quick indicator if an invoice is correct, has a minor error or a major error. You will be sent email updates regarding any anomalies found in the report until they are resolved.
We provide a full range of Bill Checking service options, allowing you to select the one that is most appropriate for your invoice sign off requirements:
Our Bill Checking also provides access to our ‘Your Bills’ section within PathFinder (our online portal) which allows invoices that have been checked to be viewed, analysed and reported on.
We carry out a whole range of checks on invoices including making sure that the unit rates and standing charges match those in our system and that any CCL exemptions and VAT reductions have been applied.
We work with our clients to ensure our Bill Checking process closely matches your existing internal system. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, granted, but we love admin. We excel in removing the admin headache of checking energy bills.
If you would like to take advantage of our Bill Checking service, get in touch with us today by filling in the short form at the top of this page