By understanding what you are paying for and comparing the options, a saving can be made on something you may never have heard of.
All Electricity meters have a MOP – it’s a Meter Operator. We only really think about them when we’re looking to install, replace or contract Half Hourly (HH) settlement meters.
A MOP owns and maintains the meter itself and charges the customer or the supplier for its use. Should there be an issue with the meter, then the MOP will be sent out, typically by the supplier, to investigate.
A MOP Agreement is a contract between you and the Meter Operator (MOP) covering rental and maintenance of any Half Hourly electricity meters installed in your buildings.
A MOP Agreement review will provide a report detailing your current situation and what options you have for the future, all in an easy to understand format. You won’t have to go through the headache of collating all your MOP data, going to all the MOPs for quotes, making sense of the data and then project managing the change. We will do it all for you.
As part of this review, we also look at how you are contracted for Data Collection and Data Aggregation (DA/ DC). These tend to be lesser charges but on review we can still help you potentially reduce these costs or at least know your contractual position. We can also, in some cases, provide you with access to a portal to view your Half Hourly Data, the following day, at no additional cost, helping with energy management projects
The more meters you have, the greater the impact a MOP review may have on your finances. These do not have to be tied in with your supply contract start dates and there is a benefit in sourcing to a single provider, where possible with a common end date to help with payment, visibility and management.
The DA / DC is the party that will collect the consumption data and send through to the energy supplier. Some MOPs provide this service, but do not assume this is the case.
Over the next few years, traditional phone lines (PSTN) are being replaced and 2G is being switched off and replaced by 4G or 5G. This will mean that Meter Operators will need to either change the modem or the meter.
We can investigate your existing arrangements and if required, produce a report detailing options and costs for consideration in an easy to understand format.
We handle all the paperwork and queries, so you don’t have to. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, granted, but we love admin and it’s our job to remove your energy headaches.
If you would like to take advantage of our MOP Review service, get in touch with us today by filling in the short form at the top of this page