Welcome to the Indigo Swan Podcast – What’s Going Swan! If you’re looking to gain an understanding of the fast-paced energy industry, explore some of the themes and insights within the sector or even just find out a bit more about who we are and what we do then our monthly digest should be at the top of your podcast list.
Throughout the series we will be covering off a range of topics and will be joined by some amazing guests, all from different backgrounds and companies. Our aim is to inform, inspire and ignite others to find a better way of doing things.
If there’s anything you would like us to address or if you have any feedback please feel free to send us an email to hello@indigoswan.co.uk
In this episode we chat with David Buist, Business Development Director at Source Code Studio about apps, lockdown and how to overcome awkward conversations with clients. Jennie, Client Services Enthusiast is in the spotlight for our ‘Meet The Swan’ section plus we discuss a few recent news articles and give our opinions on them.
Episode notes:
00:17 Market Update
10:05 Meet the Swan (Jennie)
24:00 Guest Slot (David Buist)
In this episode we chat with Martin Blackwell, Head of Operations at Norwich Business Improvement District (BID) about what they have been doing to help the city out of lockdown. Sophie Sayer, Client Services Enthusiast is in the spotlight for our ‘Meet The Swan’ section plus we discuss a few recent news articles and give our opinions on them.
Episode notes:
00:37 Market Update
10:47 Meet the Swan (Sophie)
23:36 Guest Slot (Martin Blackwell)
In this episode we chat with James Russel, CEO at Brisk about leading remotely. Tom Seppings, Head of Client Services, is in the spotlight for our ‘Meet The Swan’ section plus we discuss a few recent news articles and give our opinions on them.
Episode Notes:
00:42 – Market Update
12:04 – Meet the Swan (Tom)
23:56 – Guest Slot (James Russell)
In this episode we chat with Loui Blake, from Erpingham House about wellbeing during lockdown. Louise Arnold one of our amazing Energy Contract Enthusiasts is in the spotlight for our ‘Meet The Swan’ section plus we discuss a few recent news articles and give our opinions on them.
Episode Notes:
00:40 – Market Update
14:10 – Meet the Swan (Louise)
27:15 – Guest Slot (Loui Blake)